Terms company & corporate gifts
The terms of agreement below apply to sales to companies (from
The gifts can be delivered directly to employees, who are not parties to the agreement between
The agreement is binding for both parties once you have accepted the offer made by
Any changes after ordering must be approved by
Unless otherwise agreed, the shipping cost is estimated according to the best available information, and the estimate is given on a cost basis. If there is a significant difference, the Customer may be invoiced for the excess shipping cost.
Especially about home delivery to the individual employee
In cases where
The customer is responsible for the delivery information being correct at all times, including the door number. If the delivery address changes between the time of order and the time of delivery, the Customer is responsible for any delay or loss of the gift. In common entrances, the apartment number or floor should be stated.
The door must be clearly marked with the recipient's name.
Delivery has taken place when the Recipient, or his representative, has taken over the product. The risk for the goods then passes to you as the buyer.
Especially about delivery by Posten and "bag at the door":
- The distance from the mailbox to the recipient's door must not be more than 250 m.
- The post office must have access to the recipient's door, e.g. e.g. by locked outer door to common entrance.
- If it is not possible to deliver with a bag to the door, the shipment can be picked up from the nearest collection point, such as Post in a store or post office.
Only one delivery attempt is included per gift. Costs for further delivery attempts, returns, incorrect delivery address, collection in store and uncollected goods may be charged to the Customer.
In case of default,
Errors and deficiencies in delivered goods must be reported to us within 10 days of receipt of goods.
Intellectual Property Rights
In the case of special production of cards or other goods with the Customer's logo or brands, the Customer is responsible for holding the necessary rights to designs, logos, brands and the like.
Personal data
We treat all customer information and personal data as confidential. We provide customer information only to selected third parties, such as delivery partners, and only so that delivery can be fulfilled.
In order to deliver directly to the customer's employees, we avoid using e-mail. The customer is asked not to send personal data to
We store the customer's data with high security, and delete this when the agreement expires, or when the customer asks us to. The customer can at any time request access to the data we store.