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Drinking chocolate on a stick

Normal price 79kr
Normal price Sale price 79kr
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<tc>VAT included</tc>

Milk chocolate on a wooden spoon, decorated with a snowman and shredded coconut.

Dip the chocolate into a mug of hot milk, stir and enjoy.



68% melkesjokolade (sukker, 24% kakaosmør, 22,5% helmelkpulver, 11% kakaomasse, emulgator: soyalecitin, naturlig vaniljesmak. Kakao: minimum 33%), 30,9% sjokoladepynt (sukker, 22% kakaosmør, 22% helmelkpulver, 12% kakaomasse, emulgator: soyalecitin, melkefett, fargestoffer: E120i, E160c, naturlig vaniljesmak), strimlet kokosnøtt.

Kan inneholde spor av peanøtter, nøtter, egg og gluten.

Nutritional content

Energi kJ/kcal 2333/560
Fett 36g- herav mettet 22g
Karbohydrat 51g - herav sukker 50g
Protein 7g
Salt 0,21g