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Marshmallow - crunchy toffee

Normal price 199kr
Normal price Sale price 199kr
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<tc>VAT included</tc>

Marshmallows with  crunchy toffee and a liquid core of caramel.

The soft core melts with vanilla mallows in the first bite – and is perfect with the crunchy caramel on top.


Produced in Denmark.

Weight: 55g.


36 % melkesjokolade med karamell (sukker, kakaosmør, helmelkpulver, kakaomasse, skummetmelkpulver, karamellisert sukker, emulgator: soyalecitin, aroma, krydder, naturlig vaniljearoma) (EU), glukose-fruktosesirup, sukker, 7 % kakao (kokernebildfet, vegetasukker, RS, palmesukker). solsikke, shea, raps)), fettredusert kakaopulver, stabilisator: E492, emulgator: soyalecitin, naturlig vaniljesmak), 7 % karamellfyll (glukosesirup, vegetabilsk olje (palme (RSPO)), sukker, kondensert melk (skummetmelk, sukker), dekstrose, emulgator, 3,1, naturlig, surhetsregulerende middel, E, 3,1, vann. dekstrose, gelatin, naturlig vaniljesmak. Minst 35 % kakaotørrstoff i sjokoladedelen

Nutritional content

Energi 1874 kJ / 447 kcal
Fett 19 G (12 G)
Kulhydrat 60 G (54 G)
Protein (6 G)
Salt (0,2 G)