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Cheese biscuits with Västerbotten cheese

Normal price 109kr
Normal price Sale price 109kr
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<tc>VAT included</tc>

Crispy pastries baked with a full 30% Västerbotten cheese and wheat flour, butter, yeast and eggs flavored with black pepper. It may not be good Norwegian to say the following, but these are actually crazy good! Either straight from the bag (which can quickly run out). Together with a glass of wine or a cocktail or mocktail – preferably a bloody or possibly a virgin Mary. Enjoy!



VETEMJÖL/HVEDEMEL (GLUTEN), smör (MJÖLK/MÆLK) 33 %, Västerbottensost® 30 % (MJÖLK/MÆLK, salt, MJÖLK-/MÆLK-kulturer, löpe/løpe, konserveringsmedel: E202; E251), jäst/gjær, ÄGG /EGG/ÆG från/fra frigående höns/høner inomhus/ innendørs, salt, MJÖLK-/MÆLKEpulver, potatisstärkelse/ potetstivelse, lök/løg, kryddor, färgämne/fargestoff : paprika-extrakt.

Kan inneholde spor av/kan inneholde spor af NÖTTER/NØDDER, SESAM, SELLERI och SOJA.

Nutritional content

Energi: 2383 kj / 572 Kcal
Fett/Fedt: 39 g
-Hvor av mättat fett/Heraf mættet fedt: 26 g
Kolhydrater/Karbohydrater: 41 g
-Varav sockerarter/Heraf sukkerarter: 0,4 g
Protein: 13 g
Salt: 2,1 g