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Lemonade with elderflower and rose

Normal price 65kr
Normal price Sale price 65kr
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<tc>VAT included</tc>

Refreshing and sparkling elderflower and rose drink, made from pure spring water and hand-picked elderflowers. It has a fantastic taste and contains only natural ingredients!

Can also be used as a mixer for cocktails.



Kullsyreholdig kildevann, økologisk sukker, økologiske ferske hylleblomster, økologiske sitroner, økologisk presset sitronsaft, sitronsyre, økologisk hyllebærjuice fra konsentrat, roseekstrakt.

Nutritional content

Energi 143/34 kJ/kcal

Fett 0g
- herav mettet 0g

Karbohydrat 8,4g
- herav sukker 7,8g

Protein 0g

Salt 0g